Monthly Archives: August 2009

Discussion sur Microsoft Contributes Device Driver to Linux Community


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Microsoft Contributes Device Driver to Linux Community

I think this is significant. Microsoft has been working with Linux and other OSS communities for quite some time. But this is a major development towards Microsoft’s active participation with open source communities. Microsoft has released 20K lines of device driver code to Linux community. You can read the details here.

Hyper-V, Linux

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Posted by on 30/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about Windows 7 Memory Usage



Windows 7 Memory Usage

Windows 7 Operating System Ultimate SKU clean install (with all default services running) occupies only 150-200 MB of RAM on your PC! Hot

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Posted by on 30/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about Windows Server 2008 R2 and Hyper-V R2



Windows Server 2008 R2 and Hyper-V R2

Windows Server 2008 R2 includes Hyper-V R2 and is available only in x64 edition. I moved my primary lab machine to WS2008 R2 and is really benefitting from these features

  • I can create VHDs and mount them as drive letters using “Disk Management”. So I can add/remove files to VHDs without using virtual machines
  • VHD files can now be added to virtual machines while they are running. So no need to shut down virtual machines if I want add more storage to it.
  • Though I’m not using it very often “Live Migration” is the killer feature. This is a fitting reply to VMWare “vmotion” feature. It comes “free” with Windows server license. More importantly it works on almost any hardware and takes less than 15 minutes to configure.
  • The “processor compatibility” feature is allowing me to perform “live migration” between computers with different processor numbers
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Posted by on 30/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Productivity Power

Productivity Power

by rishi on June 9, 2009

One of the most powerful ways to increase your personal productivity is a technique I call Single-Point-Focus.


The easiest way to understand the concept of single-point-focus is to think of your mind as a desktop computer. If you use a computer regularly, you’ll know from experience that when you open ten different applications at once, your computer slows down and becomes less responsive.

The same thing happens with your mind. Just as a computer runs applications, your mind runs ‘thought processes’ and when you try and run multiple thought processes at the same time, your mind becomes less responsive.

For example, when you’re sitting at your desk at work, your mind might be running the following thought processes:

  1. The report that is due in two days time
  2. The argument you had with your husband last night
  3. The problems with your father’s health
  4. Your son’s difficulty with making friends at school
  5. Renovating the upstairs room

With all of these thought processes running concurrently, your mind slows down and becomes clouded. You’ll also find that continually running multiple thought processes also leads to mental and physical fatigue.

So what’s the answer?

Well… just as your computer becomes more efficient as you reduce the number of applications you are running, your mind becomes more efficient as you reduce the number of thought processes you are trying to run simultaneously.

This means that one of the best things you can do to increase your productivity is to learn to close down your extra thought processes until you have a single-point-focus.

In the example above, when you’re at work, your single-point-focus would become ‘The report that is due in two days’ and you would close down all the other thought processes that are clouding your mind.

Then when you go home, you can close down the thought process relating to your report and change your single-point-focus to your relationship with your husband.

As you practice having a single-point-focus, you’ll find that you gradually eliminate the fog that clouds your mind and your effectiveness and productivity will increase expotentially.

So today I’d like to encourage you to develop the habit of asking the following question:

"What should my single-point-focus be right now?"

As soon as you have an answer to this question, imagine closing down all the other thought processes running in your mind as though you were closing down applications on your computer.

Finally, direct your full and undivided attention on your single-point-focus and watch your productivity soar!

Until next time,

Dare To Dream!


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Posted by on 17/08/2009 in Uncategorized


How To Build Your Self Confidence

How To Build Your Self Confidence

by rishi on April 8, 2009

One of the most important steps to achieving your goals in life is to develop a strong sense of self confidence. This does not however involve becoming loud or arrogant. On the contrary, people with genuine self confidence are usually calm and self assured and do not need to ‘big note’ themselves.


Here are my top ten tips for building your self confidence:

1. Visualise Yourself As The Person You Want To Be

Each morning spend a few minutes visualising yourself as the person you want to be. Think about the way you dress, the way you carry yourself and the way you interact with other people. Seeing yourself as the person you want to become is the first step towards building self confidence.

2. Self Confidence Statement

After visualising yourself as the person you want to be, read the following statement out loud:

"I know I have the ability to achieve my major goal in life. Therefore today,
I demand of myself persistent and continuous action towards achieving my goal"

Reading this statement out loud is a great way to start your day in a confident state of mind.

3. Dress Well

One of the most effective ways to instantly improve your level of self confidence is to dress well and to make the decision to always be well groomed. This does not mean you have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Instead, just focus on gradually building up a small collection of good quality clothes. Also remember that simple accessories such as a tie clip or necklace can make a big difference to the way you look and feel.

4. Positive Posture

Another powerful way to build your sense of self confidence is to stand up straight and lose the slouch that many of us have acquired over the years. While you may be able to make a change to your posture by simply becoming aware of it, the best way to make a long lasting change to your posture is to practice yoga or pilates.

5. Move With Purpose

A simple but effective tip for increasing your levels of self confidence is to always move with a sense of purpose. In his book ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’, David Schwartz recommends walking 25% faster than normal. Having a spring in your step lets people know that you have important things to do and actually makes you feel more confident as you go about your daily business.

6. Become A Participant

Have you ever noticed that in most meetings or groups, people immediately head towards the back of the room so that they can remain as inconspicuous as possible? A great way to increase your visibility and sense of self confidence is to make the decision to always sit towards the front of the room and be a participant. When you have something to say – don’t be afraid to say it.

7. Connect With Confidence

Another way to quickly improve your self confidence is to practice making a strong first impression. When you meet someone face-to-face, look them directly in the eye, smile broadly, shake hands firmly and say, "Hi Jim, nice to meet you".

Similarly, you can sound more confident on the phone by answering, "Good morning Carol Jones speaking" instead of simply saying "Hello…"

8. Build Your Success File

Occasionally your self confidence will take a hit when something doesn’t work out the way you hoped. One of the best ways to repair your self confidence in this situation is to keep a folder outlining your past achievements and successes. You should also include any positive feedback that you’ve received from others.

As you review your success file and fill your mind with positive comments, your doubts and insecurities will quickly disappear and your self confidence will be restored.

9. Preparation

The BIG secret to being self confident that people rarely talk about is – preparation. The more you prepare and practice for an event, the more self confident you will become.

If you are worried about an upcoming event, use your apprehension as a stimulus to take action and practice, practice, practice. The simple but powerful truth is that self confidence grows through repetition and experience.

10. Toastmasters

My final tip for developing self confidence is to join a Toastmasters group.

Toastmasters is a non-profit organisation that helps people from all walks of life to develop their public speaking and leadership skills. In my experience Toastmasters offers a safe and relaxed environment to step out of your comfort zone and develop the invaluable skills of being able to think on your feet and speak in public.

So there you have it!

If you implement some or all of these 10 techniques you’ll gradually develop a greater sense of self confidence which in turn will help you to pursue and achieve your most important life goals.

Until next time,

Dare To Dream!


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Posted by on 17/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about Older Version of Windows


Older Version of Windows
Tip: Use Terminal Services to Manage Hyper-V from an Older Version of Windows

 If you want to manage Hyper-V servers from a computer running an earlier version of Microsoft Windows, such as Windows XP Professional, you can do so by using Terminal Services RemoteApp to publish the Hyper-V Manager application on the Hyper-V server using Terminal Services. In brief, the procedure for doing this is as follows:

 1. Install the Terminal Services role on a server running a Full installation of Windows Server 2008. Be sure to include the Terminal Services Web Access role service in your Terminal Services role installation.

 2. Install the Hyper-V role or Hyper-V role management tools on the terminal server.

 3. Configure user/group membership as needed for the Remote Desktop Users and Terminal Services Web Access Computers security groups. Also, configure RDP and security settings as needed.

 4. Launch the RemoteApp Wizard from Terminal Services RemoteApp Manager, and add the Hyper-V Manager console (Virtmgmt.msc) to the list of published applications on the terminal server.

 Now, from the computer running the earlier Windows operating system, connect to the terminal server using Terminal Services Web Access, select the remotely published application (Hyper-V Manager) to launch the connection screen, and authenticate with the terminal server.

 At this point, the Hyper-V Manager console will be running on your computer—it will look and work just as if the console was installed locally on your computer, with the exception of the word Remote in the title bar indicating that it is a RemoteApp and not a local program.

Note:-  From the Microsoft Press ebook Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solutions: From the Desktop to the Datacenter by Mitch Tulloch.


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Posted by on 07/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about TechNet Magazine Tips

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Posted by on 07/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about Facebook is world’s fourth most trafficked website

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Facebook is world’s fourth most trafficked website

San Francisco, Aug 5 (Xinhua) Social networking website Facebook continues its rapid rise and has already become the fourth most trafficked website in the world, technology blog TechCrunch has reported.

In June this year, Facebook attracted a total of 340 million unique visitors globally, trailing only Google, Microsoft and Yahoo sites, the report said, citing latest results from market research firm comScore.

According to the report, Facebook grew 157 percent in the past year alone, gaining 208 million visitors.

The social networking website surged past Amazon in August last year in terms of worldwide unique visitors. In the first half of this year, it beat eBay, AOL and Wikimedia Foundation sites.

Facebook still has some way to go before it catches up to Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, each of which has between 240 million and 500 million more monthly global unique visitors.

Facebook itself officially acknowledged in July that it now has 250 million active registered users worldwide.

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Posted by on 06/08/2009 in Uncategorized


Talking about GUI Tool For Configuring Windows Server Core



GUI Tool For Configuring Windows Server Core

I’m going to try out this tool. Looks very promising. It can configure things like iSCSI settings in a server core

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Posted by on 01/08/2009 in Uncategorized